Tuesday, January 01, 2008


I distinctly remember writing a similar entry to this one exactly a year ago. Back then, I had just gotten back from my overnight stay at Zi Qiang's house and I was feeling particularly groggy after having stayed up the entire night. It was a memorable way to enter a new year and I couldn't help reflecting upon the differences as I stood watching the fireworks erupt before and above me with a wine glass in my hand just 20 or so hours before. Compared to last year's racing on bikes from Changi to Esplanade to catch the fireworks, this year's watching was somewhat more elagant. Yet, I miss the fun and that company of friends. Haha. It has been a long time since we had a junior team gathering. That said, I met Ryan, Wei Li, Amanda, Wei Ling and Andrea when I went down to Macritchie on Christmas with the original intent of running. I ended up paddling after my run with Leon, Colin and Ee Ghim. It felt really good to paddle again after all these years. Sometimes, I do still question myself if I made the right decision to leave; but deep down, I guess I know that it was a right choice. My path does goes elsewhere. Nevertheless, it was great to see all of them again. And it was certainly encouraging to see them training even on Christmas. I suppose seeing the women team clinch two bronze medals in the SEA games is a heck of a morale booster. Alas, we guys still have to work a lot harder. Regardless, here's my warmest congratulations to the women team, who after all their hard work and sacrifice, finally managed to obtain a tangible reward. Great job guys, or rather, girls! Haha.

Watching the fireworks explode directly in front and above of one is certainly an awe-inspiring event. Especially when one is on the 19th level of a building with nothing obstructing the view and a wine glass in one's hand. Nevertheless, even as I watched the magnificent display of fireworks erupt into flowers and showers of myriad colours, I was struck by a line which I had read from a book recently. It was from an account of an Iraqi veteran and it goes something like: 'Whenever I hear fireworks these days, my instinctive reaction is to duck'. I do not know why, but that line just struck me for no reason as I looked up into the colour filled night sky. And I was reminded that even as I stood there in comfort, there are many others for whom the future is uncertain. Why am I so lucky? I don't know. All I know is that I should be really grateful for God's grace, and to treasure everything that He has so kindly given to me, so that I may do His will while I'm in this world and, hopefully, be able to give those others a better future. At the same time, I couldn't help but be reminded at how science can be both used to create artillery shells and fireworks. And I pray that my work in science would be used to further, not destroy humanity.

At this moment, I think it is only right that I should give a tribute to Benazir Bhutto who has so bravely died trying to make a difference. The world sorely needs more Benazir Bhuttos. It needs more people who are willing to step out, even in the face of death threats, to give democracy and peace a chance. To Benazir Bhutto, I salute you for your selfless courage. To those despicable and depraved terrorists who have resorted to even killing an unarmed woman, I pray that the Lord will have mercy upon your souls. And to those who are out there, enduring bomb threats and trying to bring peace to the world even while the rest of the world celebrates the new year with fireworks, I salute you also for your selfless acts. May the Lord be with you all and may He give you all a peace which surpasses all understanding.

To end off, I would like to quote Psalm 19, verses 1 to 4.

'The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.'



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